Strategy, Branding and UI Design for the future of home exercising

Millions of people train every day and the fitness market is rapidly growing on a yearly basis. The Muve platform allows instructors and clients to connect anywhere and anytime through pay as you go online classes. We worked with Muve to develop their brand strategy, build their visual identity and online experience that reflects the platform’s values and vision.

Establishing brand structure with a LYFE brand workshop

We worked with the Muve stakeholders on a brand workshop establishing Muve’s positioning, audience and values. We undertook several exercises throughout the workshop which allowed openness between stakeholders and helped aligns their goals for the business.

Lyfe brand workshop
Muve Icon

Brand Marque and icon

Lyfe Studio created a modern, agile & robust wordmarque with soft angular forms that looked to capture the Muve approach of openness, agility and dedication.

The Visual Identity

To represent the new strategy, we drew upon this narrative, crafting an identity that showcases the core brand values.

A typographic style consisting of Poppins and a brushstroke typeface allowed typography to be fluid, humanistic and expressive.

The vivid & impactful teal introduced a breath of fresh air in the blue-soaked automation space, whilst representing speed, agility and flexibility. Coupled with the greys & blacks to provide a sense of professionalism, culture & credibility.

An in-depth brand guideline document was produced to allow the Muve team to roll out the brand consistently across all collateral.

Muve Yoga Mat
Muve T Shirt
Muve Social Media
Muve Social Media Example

The Online Experience

The Muve website is the hub for the online exercise experience. It was important to strike just the right balance of usability, hierarchy and clarity with a beautiful aesthetic.

An important part of the User Experience is the streaming section of the website. Cross-device usability is the key function of the site with close attention paid to the ease of use, cross-device responsiveness and a well-designed user journey from onboarding through to booking a class.

Key areas of UI design consisted of user dashboard areas, class timetables, user profiles and key landing pages.

Muve UI Design

“The branding has made such a difference already. We can’t wait to get out there and wear our hoodies and T-shirts with our new branding.”

Alissia Jackson, Charity Manager

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Branding and Design Agency